
A function that registers a handler to be triggered when the exit intent is detected.


  • id: string (required)
  • handler: Function (required)
  • context: Array (optional)
    • onTrigger
    • onUnsubscribe
    • onDesktop
    • onMobile

By default, the handler will be triggered on desktop and mobile devices and you can omit the context parameter, but if you would like to specify the context where the handler should be triggered, you can pass an array of the following values as necessary:

  • onTrigger - triggers the handler when the exit intent is detected
  • onUnsubscribe - triggers the handler when the user unsubscribes from the exit intent
  • onDesktop - triggers the handler on desktop devices
  • onMobile - triggers the handler on mobile devices


const { registerHandler } = useExitIntent()

// This handler will be triggered on desktop and mobile
  id: 'myHandlerId',
  handler: () => {
    console.log('Exit intent triggered!')

// This handler will be triggered only on mobile
  id: 'mySecondHandlerId',
  handler: () => {
    console.log('Hello from Mobile!')
  context: ['onMobile']