
desktop is an object with the following properties:

  • triggerOnIdle - if true, the handlers will be triggered when the user is idle
  • triggerOnMouseLeave - if true, the handlers will be triggered when the user is about to leave your website
  • delayInSecondsToTrigger - delay in seconds to trigger the exit intent handlers. triggerOnIdle must be true!
  • useBeforeUnload - if true, the handlers will be triggered when the user is about to leave your website. UI will be blocked until the user cancels the action.


delayInSecondsToTrigger: 10
triggerOnMouseLeave: true
triggerOnIdle: false
useBeforeUnload: false


  desktop: {
    delayInSecondsToTrigger: 10,
    triggerOnMouseLeave: true,
    triggerOnIdle: false
    useBeforeUnload: false